Friday, December 31, 2021

 Although I have not written them down on here, my blessings continue to flow

The opportunity to gain full-time employment and health insurance

The chance to see family and friends 

Welcoming family into my home for short and long stays

Quiet moments in the middle of life's stormy moments

Necessities of life in abundance

Many helpful family members, friends and co-workers

Love surrounding me


A new year full of hope with the coming of a granddaughter in the spring

Friday, August 13, 2021

Quiet Morning Blessings


Quiet Morning Blessing

Summer is upon us at the Jersey shore.  With birds beginning to sing outside, I turn over deciding whether it is too early to wake up. 

Because there is company staying and sleeping on the couch, I put off making my coffee for a bit but decide that I should be awake after getting a good night sleep.

Scrolling through Facebook, I say a prayer for people whose post reveal they are having difficulties.

The air conditioner hums as I am acutely aware that I am privileged during the heat wave to own one.

The day is mine to decide what to do since I will be working this weekend, I have a Friday off.

There are a few family situations I became aware of – one happy, one heart-breaking….I will strive to participate in these with a caring attitude.

My heart if full. I am blessed to begin a new day.

Sunday, January 31, 2021

 January 2021- My Blessings Basket overflows

A sampling

Writer's critiquing meeting goes off without a hitch

A surprise visit from my son and his fiancé and the children. Even though the lasagna fell to the floor, we were grateful for other options.

Pizza with my niece and her son at my mom's apartment

My daughter assisting to clean my mom's apartment.

My mom getting stronger after a health issue

Snippet Book debuted  

 SNIPPETS: 100 WORD MEMOIR SHORTS: Seaside Storytellers, Taney, Maria, Restione, Bhadrena, Slaninka, Susan, Ridge, Bill, Yasik, Christine, Moore, Kathleen, Matthews, Susan, Gandolfo, Cynthia, Collins, Bonny: 9798648836457: Books

Getting greeting cards into January due to widespread mail delays.  Extends the season!

A kind gesture from an employee at the library for a contest prize

Book Club via Zoom

Brakes put on

Catching up with a friend while maintaining social distancing protocols

A call from my brother

My oldest son has a new job opportunity

Delivering the lasagna pans that Tom bought for Amanda