Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Thanksgiving blessings

As I sat in church on Sunday, I heard the priest talk about the need for people in the parish to volunteer to drive others to appointments.  I searched my heart and with working two jobs, I couldn't honestly feel that I would be able to commit to be on the team that does this .  However, I do know that I obtained the second job because I am blessed with a new vehicle (and a car payment) and I remember, all too well, the times in my life when I was without transportation.

That very evening, I had the opportunity to share my blessing when a co-worker asked what time I was leaving work and asked for a ride home.  I was more than happy to blurt out a yes.  As we were leaving for the evening, I remembered that I really wanted to head over to the supermarket straight after work and get my Thanksgiving supplies.  Since I already told the co-worker that I would take them home, I took them.  It was a very windy night and I was surprised how far my co-worker lived from the bus stop.  
I went back towards where I had just come from to go to the store and I got in line after a couple who had a big order.  

"Oh great" I thought.  "I'll never get home"
As I waited, the cashier handed them their receipt and told them they only needed thirty more dollars for their free turkey.  They were deciding what to do when I volunteered to have them ring up my order under their shopper's card because I had around fifty dollars worth of food.  They could get their turkey after that.  The husband eagerly volunteered to bag my groceries for my proposal.  

On the way to my car I realized that we had been talking in our meditation group about approaching situations as if you chose them.   If I hadn't given my co-worker a ride, I wouldn't have been in the store at the same time as the people wanting their free turkey.   I tried to relax in both instances realizing that my immediate wants were not necessarily the priority at the time.  There were greater needs  that I was able to assist with.

I am thankful that I was part of their blessing for that evening. I  will be making a commitment to relax into the moment even if it I don't think it was in my plan. I also will be making a commitment to look for those little ways to assist such as providing a ride when I am so fortunate.

Monday, November 6, 2017

October Blessings Sample

A Sample of October Blessings
from my blessings basket

Beautiful Baby boy born

Family times waiting at the hospital

Family dinners

Deer ducking on dark roads with daughter


The ability to give a ride to a co-worker

Beach Bon fires

Receiving a "thank you" candy bar from a co-worker

Being Regular

Weekend visit with oldest son

New car dependability

Breakfast with a nephew

Lunch with a niece

Breakfast with 8th grade friends