Sunday, November 8, 2020

Fall Blessings

 Camping trips

Cooking over the fire

Historic places

Winery visit

Eating in a restaurant (1st time since January)

Bringing a dog along for the ride

Family games party (virtual)

Mending fences

Caring friends who look after loved ones

Roses still in the yard

Following intuition

Slowing down for Amish buggies

Operating above the line



Sunday, October 11, 2020

 The normally busy summer season of the Jersey shore is coming to a close.  This summer, I didn't make it to the boardwalk at all.  The beach trip (1 time) consisted of staying far, far to the rear of the beach.  

  Normally, the summer passes by and I am working, working and working.  Even when family comes, maybe I squeeze in a dinner or a small outing with them.  This year, with more time, family came to visit but in smaller groups.  

Blueberry picking, going to the bay, spending time walking at a farm in West Cape May were some activities that allowed us to maintain distance.  

As much as I missed my summer boardwalk job and the hype of the season, this summer allowed time to refresh and reflect.  I didn't feel pressured to solve the problems of everyone, because it just wasn't  possible.  I remain hopeful that with a little slower pace, we can alleviate a rush on the healthcare system and come out strong.  

A friend in a writing group wrote a poem about saying a prayer when you wash your hands.  I took this to heart and now when I wash up, I include a prayer for whoever pops into mind. 

The fall is upon is and my hope is we all find our way through with dignity and patience with each other.

Friday, August 28, 2020


Staying quieter is easier than I thought. Previously, I worked two job. Now, just four hours per day.  

This spring, my friend Maria put together a book of haiku from prompts emailed to others.  Fortunately, I participated in this project and a wonderful self-published Amazon book came out of this.  

From Solitude to Solidarity

Today, a piece written by me appeared in this journal

Today, I count my writing community as my blessing

Wednesday, July 29, 2020

Living the new normal in pandemic times:  Oil Change
Getting an oil change was interesting.
 I thought I was prepared and it didn't turn out that way. 
My own beach chair to sit outside, my book, my water, all to ensure I could safely keep
my distance from other folks waiting at the dealership.
Who knew that first thing in the morning it would be so hot out.  Also, by the time I went back in to pay, I swatted three kinds of bugs away.  I looked funny trying to swat the last one that got in between my glasses and my mask.
My blessings today:  my own beach chair and not getting stung by anything!!

Sunday, May 17, 2020

What if?

what if we counted
blessings every single day
instead of  troubles?
By Kathy Moore

Appearing in forthcoming collection:  
From Solitude to Solidarity
Haiku Through COVID-19

Wednesday, March 25, 2020


Preparation by Kathleen Moore
Staring out my window, a flock of birds land on my neighbors lawn.  I sip my coffee and contemplate my next task.  A few work emails will flow from my computer, taxes could be worked on, maybe scrape some of the wallpaper in the Guest room.
I have time. Time to plan the order of my day inside my modest but comfortable home.
Communities all around the world are under self-quarantine due to the Coronavirus   (COVID 19).  The library where I work is physically closed.  Yet, we collaborate online to find ways to keep an online presence. We miss our Patrons, who love our resources and community programs. 
Being close to crowds in any setting is discouraged.  Weddings, funerals, graduations are cancelled. The opening to the amusement pier where I work a seasonal job is delayed for over a month. I wonder will it be the same for anyone, anywhere.
As others have prepared by stocking up on Toilet paper and hand sanitizer, yes, I have a few of those items.  But despite all this, I pray, I write, I meditate.  I feel that the past years of participating in writing group and meditation groups, the people that I’ve met were all for a purpose.  The insight that I have gained through them has prepared me to brave the changes in the world. 
Today, I count preparation as my blessing.

Friday, February 28, 2020

February Blessing Sample

Ordering online movie tickets

Butter Cake

Writing Class at Library

Taking a leave from 2nd job

Making decisions

Stretching yourself during lent

Taking care of the dog

Winter drives along the ocean town routes

Warm Winter Days

Caring Friends

Warm Blankets

Listening to your  self

Assisting without enabling

Lunch with Daughter at the Casino

Sitting in traffic court with son

Extra day in the month this year

Sunday, February 2, 2020

January Blessings

A sample of my January Blessings

No snow

Presidential visit: like him or don't , there was electricity in the otherwise sleepy January air in our tourist town

Dry Clothing and a warm towel (or who left the moon roof open?)

Taking Care of the dog

People moving on after a helping hand

New Traditions (embracing the new and incorporating the old)

Quiet restoration

Making plans

Finding your place

Keeping an even pace

Facebook posts

Bright skies

Friday, January 3, 2020

December Blessings

Finding the right gifts

Visits to family and friends

Holiday treats

Quiet time looking at tree

Making plans

Reaching out to loved ones

Stretching our abilities

Keeping the peace

T-P tents

Positive outcomes

Not making resolutions

Noticing the Salvation army bell ringer

Knowing the history