Wednesday, November 20, 2019

November Blessings

2nd job hours- close 1 hour earlier now

Writing letters

Reaching out

Lives being saved

Realizing there is a problem

Cleaning out the fridge

Binge watching TV

Atlantic City Vacation


Making due with what you have

The ability to extend a helping hand

Learning to set limits

Family Games party

Christmas store novelties.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

October Blessings

Notes of appreciation from boss
Warranty (car)
New washer
Lotto check surprise
Fax machines
Crashing my Godchild's birthday dinner
Photos in the paper
Remembering loved one fondly

September Blessings

Knowing when to rest.
Celebrating a collaborative book
1st time visit to Sesame place
Middle of the night meltdown hugs
Coming back for the 2nd round of the party
Having a sense of humor
Getting rid of stuff
Dental work
Mammograms- self care
Trolly ride stow away
Being a tourist near home
One on one time with each brother

Friday, September 6, 2019

August Blessings

August Blessings

Dips in the ocean

Recovery help for the addicted

A weekend away with friends

Cuddly cats

Week full of cakes

Opportunities to write

New bathing suit

Getting rid of junk

Peace in the middle of chaos

Plans to travel

Amish Market

Handmade soaps

Rain Gear Blessing

Rain Gear Blessing
Driving to the dentist this morning, the wipers swish back and forth.  The pattering rain resulting from the coastal storm makes going to the dentist seem a bit more dreary than usual.  The steady beat of the drops interrupts my humming to the song on the radio as I adjust the wiper speed.
Parking in the closest spot in the lot, I reach back and find my umbrella.  Normally, if it were just a few sprinkles, I would just run out.  However, today with the steady rain and wind, I would get drenched.
I think back to the days when I walked my children to elementary school.  The little yellow slickers provided protection from the water on the five-block trek.  Cute little umbrellas with cartoon characters lasted usually until the first windy day.  
As a young adult, waiting for the bus on a rainy day usually required rain boots.  Getting on the bus usually required a step through the puddle.   Carrying a bag with your shoes to change into and closing the umbrella before entering the bus took extra time but I would be dry and cozy for the workday.
As I step cautiously out of my car to avoid a puddle, I put up my red umbrella.  The air conditioning is on full blast in the dentist office, so I am glad that I took the time to stay dry.
Today, I count as my blessing rain gear and umbrellas.

Friday, August 2, 2019

July Blessings

Beautiful, bright sunny days
Giving away a small prize that was given to me
Small ride- outings
Prayer -without knowledge of the problem
Rec Center pools
Validating Life- Ellen
Finding the calm inside
Breaking Glass
Untimely break- the ability to listen
Making plans

Tuesday, July 2, 2019

June Blessings

A Sample of June's Blessings

Finding a Kindness Rock

Learning new ways

Feeling Appreciated by me

Memoir Class

Quick visits to Philly


Retrieving lost pocketbook

Babies and ice cream


Boardwalk fun

Finding my way

Futon bed

Chance to Participate in an event at work

Thursday, June 6, 2019

May Blessings

Skunk (seeing him before he saw me)

Seagull (a reminder that I live close to the beach)

A neighbor from the old neighborhood( who I had a crush on way back when) bought me coffee when I ran into him.


Setting limits/boundaries

Informative classes

Listening for understanding


Ice Cream

Longer days

Sunday, April 28, 2019

2019 Blessings Winter

Quiet New Year

Baby playing/exploring

Back pull= time to think about self-care

Doctor's Appointment with new doctor

Giving up the reigns - letting other do

New Year's resolution picked out of a hat (Be bold make the first move)

Fresh Clean Sheets and blankets


Good Books

Caring Caregiver-overhearing conversations

Exploring Opportunities

Last min. Art show decision on a cold windy night

Anthologies- showcasing talent

Praying for folks-knowing when your hands are tied

Customers- Make them smile



Friends along the journey

Safe Travels

Listening to your own advice

Lint brushes

Quick trips to Philly

Belated Birthday celebrations

Lent -a time of quiet reflection

Giving ideas to others-how a conversation at 2nd job turned the customer on to library

Corny St. Patrick Day joke

Honorary Relatives

Tuesday, January 8, 2019

December Blessings

Twinkling lights

Extra money in paycheck

Finding the right gifts

Lunch with Gayle ( last min. plans)

Group book donation

Ugly sweater day- Co-workers picking out items for us

Christmas cookies

Celebrating my brother's bd after his stents were put in (80% blocked)

Mental health treatment


Connecting to birth family of son.  Feeling the loss of his sister.

Visit to son's house. 

No snow this month