Friday, August 13, 2021

Quiet Morning Blessings


Quiet Morning Blessing

Summer is upon us at the Jersey shore.  With birds beginning to sing outside, I turn over deciding whether it is too early to wake up. 

Because there is company staying and sleeping on the couch, I put off making my coffee for a bit but decide that I should be awake after getting a good night sleep.

Scrolling through Facebook, I say a prayer for people whose post reveal they are having difficulties.

The air conditioner hums as I am acutely aware that I am privileged during the heat wave to own one.

The day is mine to decide what to do since I will be working this weekend, I have a Friday off.

There are a few family situations I became aware of – one happy, one heart-breaking….I will strive to participate in these with a caring attitude.

My heart if full. I am blessed to begin a new day.