Sunday, February 26, 2017

February Blessings Sampling

Twenty- Eight Days of Counting Blessings
Some beautiful moments that would have normally went by unnoticed were:

Call from niece at 6am

Ride home from work from Wendy

Ron's trip to the ER for his eye turned out fine and we enjoyed a late dinner that night (Thanks Marissa for taking him)

Unexpected after Church breakfast with Grade School classmates

Silent Witness to Pastor tending to  flock

The choices we have as consumers

Book recommendation from Marya at Meditation

Finding my glasses (right where I left them on my shirt) 

Warm, fuzzy socks

Chasing  doggie and reminding her she is loved at home

Dedicated worker (who happen to be old neighbor) who takes the time to ensure the job gets done right which made for a nice happy birthday for my mother

Wawa coffee lids that fell on the floor.  I was aggravated watching everyone walk by kicking them to the side.  I mumbled and cussed while throwing them out but then took the time to Thank God that I have the ability to move, bend and stretch to pick them up and throw them out.

Video chats with daughter

Birthday celebrations for Mother (80) and son (31)

Monday, February 13, 2017

Mid Feb Blessing

One of the best decisions that I have made was signing up a few years ago for a creative writing class at the library.  When I did this, I never would have imagined the world that it opened up for me.  Our wonderful instructor, Eva Feeley, was not only informative but genuinely interested in people's stories inside and outside of class.

Eva opens up her home for the past year on Thursday evenings for a group to share the peaceful experience of group mediation.  Each week we talk about ways to make room in our lives for peace and we pray for others, as well.

Eva was kind enough to share her poem for my blessings basket blog:


If wanting was a concept
I could unlearn 

the cataracts of greed
would fall from my eyes

to reveal the diamonds that float in
on the tide of each moment

and surround me like
the foam of a breaking wave,

there to capture in the cup of my hand
before they recede into the deeps
of unrecognized blessings.

Eva Feeley

I am blessed to have a friend in Eva.  Someone who has so much wisdom to share in her words and deeds. 

Friday, February 3, 2017

January Blessing (sampling)

Thirty- One  Days of Counting Blessings

Some beautiful moments that would have normally went by unnoticed were:

On the day that I spoke about my blessings basket at meditation, a woman thanked me and told me that was Just what her daughter needed.

I had a conversation with somewhere and they said something  that confirmed a hurt that I sort of knew about.  I have been working on forgiveness issues revolving around this person that I see intermittently at my seasonal job.   Obviously, from the feelings I had after this conversation, I see that more work is to be done and I haven't really achieved forgiveness.......just sort of an acceptance. I will take this as a challenge to continue to work in this area......a blessing

Yummy hamburgers on Monday night with Co-workers

The ability to come home during lunch times

Memories of being there during my father's final hours and thankful that I had the opportunity three years ago to be there.  

Snowy day that I can be home on
 (glad it wasn't my Saturday to work)

Making Clam Chowder

Substituting   for 1st grade cherubs

Tom  taking assignment in Virginia to provide continued healthcare coverage

Watching my nephew make the time to  bring his elderly grandfather (his mother's father) to visit his grandmother (his father's mother)

Coming home to supper made by Sheri when I got in from work

Something fell into washer, made a big mess while I was rushing to do laundry.  Ron finished cleaning it out for me.

Buck a bag sale at the Acme

Baby therapy instead of bunny therapy at work this week 
 (Someone usually brings in their bunny for us to pet, this week they brought in the grandbaby)