Sunday, October 11, 2020

 The normally busy summer season of the Jersey shore is coming to a close.  This summer, I didn't make it to the boardwalk at all.  The beach trip (1 time) consisted of staying far, far to the rear of the beach.  

  Normally, the summer passes by and I am working, working and working.  Even when family comes, maybe I squeeze in a dinner or a small outing with them.  This year, with more time, family came to visit but in smaller groups.  

Blueberry picking, going to the bay, spending time walking at a farm in West Cape May were some activities that allowed us to maintain distance.  

As much as I missed my summer boardwalk job and the hype of the season, this summer allowed time to refresh and reflect.  I didn't feel pressured to solve the problems of everyone, because it just wasn't  possible.  I remain hopeful that with a little slower pace, we can alleviate a rush on the healthcare system and come out strong.  

A friend in a writing group wrote a poem about saying a prayer when you wash your hands.  I took this to heart and now when I wash up, I include a prayer for whoever pops into mind. 

The fall is upon is and my hope is we all find our way through with dignity and patience with each other.