Wednesday, March 25, 2020


Preparation by Kathleen Moore
Staring out my window, a flock of birds land on my neighbors lawn.  I sip my coffee and contemplate my next task.  A few work emails will flow from my computer, taxes could be worked on, maybe scrape some of the wallpaper in the Guest room.
I have time. Time to plan the order of my day inside my modest but comfortable home.
Communities all around the world are under self-quarantine due to the Coronavirus   (COVID 19).  The library where I work is physically closed.  Yet, we collaborate online to find ways to keep an online presence. We miss our Patrons, who love our resources and community programs. 
Being close to crowds in any setting is discouraged.  Weddings, funerals, graduations are cancelled. The opening to the amusement pier where I work a seasonal job is delayed for over a month. I wonder will it be the same for anyone, anywhere.
As others have prepared by stocking up on Toilet paper and hand sanitizer, yes, I have a few of those items.  But despite all this, I pray, I write, I meditate.  I feel that the past years of participating in writing group and meditation groups, the people that I’ve met were all for a purpose.  The insight that I have gained through them has prepared me to brave the changes in the world. 
Today, I count preparation as my blessing.

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