Sunday, February 26, 2017

February Blessings Sampling

Twenty- Eight Days of Counting Blessings
Some beautiful moments that would have normally went by unnoticed were:

Call from niece at 6am

Ride home from work from Wendy

Ron's trip to the ER for his eye turned out fine and we enjoyed a late dinner that night (Thanks Marissa for taking him)

Unexpected after Church breakfast with Grade School classmates

Silent Witness to Pastor tending to  flock

The choices we have as consumers

Book recommendation from Marya at Meditation

Finding my glasses (right where I left them on my shirt) 

Warm, fuzzy socks

Chasing  doggie and reminding her she is loved at home

Dedicated worker (who happen to be old neighbor) who takes the time to ensure the job gets done right which made for a nice happy birthday for my mother

Wawa coffee lids that fell on the floor.  I was aggravated watching everyone walk by kicking them to the side.  I mumbled and cussed while throwing them out but then took the time to Thank God that I have the ability to move, bend and stretch to pick them up and throw them out.

Video chats with daughter

Birthday celebrations for Mother (80) and son (31)

1 comment:

  1. Kathy, I love the way your aggravation turned to gratitude in relation the Wawa coffee lids. That was a beautiful turnaround which I will try to remember the next time I myself am feeling aggravated. And I am honored to have my book recommendation on your list of February blessings! Thank you for that!!! <3
